PipePatrol is a leading edge system for pipeline leak detection and localisation in pipelines. It is the most sensitive internal leak detection system (LDS) available, providing accurate leak information for a high degree of safety. PipePatrol combines the Real Time Transient Model (RTTM) with a patented Leak Pattern Recognition module to create an Extended Real Time Transient Model (E-RTTM). Its multi method leak detection enables pipeline management under both steady and transient pipeline conditions. The LDS is able to reliably distinguish between real leaks and imbalance deviations caused by linefill changes or separation units.PipePatrol Leak Detection can be retrofitted onto existing pipelines, using existing instrumentation. KROHNE also supplies complete project packages, including flow and other instrumentation, complete with remote data communications.
CARGOMASTER® is a complete monitoring system for multiple tanks that has been at the technical forefront of the market since 1979. This system includes software and instrumentation that is adapted to the customer’s individual vessel applications, as well as engineering, drawings, documentation and commissioning. As a result, the CARGOMASTER® system provides readings from all tanks onboard in a user-friendly graphical interface. Combined with our high precision OPTIWAVE Marine cargo level radar meters (FMCW), CARGOMASTER® offers unique benefits for tanker operators. In addition to tank monitoring, the system enables the monitoring of pumps and cargo lines as well as integration into other systems onboard. CARGOMASTER® can be installed on all kinds of vessel, from the smallest product tankers to the most complex chemical tankers and large VLCCs.
EcoMATE™, the electronic fuel management system (EFMS) from KROHNE, was specifically designed for real time monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering. It has become the solution of choice for many major shipping companies. Regardless of the vessel type, once implemented, EcoMATE™ provides the whole picture you need to gain full knowledge and control of fuel consumption, emissions and bunkering transactions. EcoMATE™ is a remote, cloud-based solution that can be accessed onshore. A basic set-up will consist of flowmeters mounted in the fuel supply and return lines, and in the bunkering line, plus the EcoMATE™ work station. Once implemented, the EcoMATE™ software takes care of data acquisition, logging, calculations, monitoring and reporting. The EcoMATE™ Fuel Consumption Module, one of the four software modules within the EcoMATE™ family, monitors and stores detailed information about fuel usage, and generates the reports.